Gen Z and IT - Matching Employer and Zoomer expectations


Gen Z and IT - Matching Employer and Zoomer expectations


The Deloitte Global 2022 Gen Z and Millennial Survey warns business leaders that those entering today’s workforce have vastly different expectations and priorities from earlier generations. 

Key findings from the report reveal that younger people seek purpose and the opportunity to tackle broader issues through their work. They expect and encourage true diversity, and they absolutely prioritise achieving a positive work-life balance.

Gen Z considers this new direction to be overall good for wider society and wants support from people who have the real power to make this positive change for all. 


“...there is a sense that some older
generations just don't “get it.”


Yet employers who invest in culture changes, up-skilling, and career development remain nervous that their financial and time commitments won't result in retained talent.

At CIO Crowd, a UK-based peer-led community for CIOs and senior IT leaders, a recent panel discussion on “Creating the New Work Environment” covered staff acquisition and retention in depth.

The debate heard one member put forward a positive outlook: “In many cases [within IT roles], you can’t promise staff that there will be a role that long [10 years]. So, what you have to do is assure them that they are going to have a good experience in a good environment and build a great CV. If they have the desire to stay and the opportunities are there, great. If not, both parties have still benefited.”


Amongst Gen Z and Millennials there is a sense that some older generations (and therefore their employers) just don't “get it.” For those that do it will still take careful consideration to implement the right changes.

Ultimately, the power is in the hands of businesses, but both employers and Gen Z must prevent a standoff where neither party trusts the other to fulfill their end of the bargain, only causing the skills gap to widen.


 Skills, demand, and more skills 


Deloitte predicts the most useful tools and skills for someone to possess in the near future of work will be business management, creative and design tools, technical skills, data processing and analysis. 


With growth in the uptake of IT degrees continuing and as digital natives living in a world becoming increasingly dependent on digital innovations Gen Z may feel it has a unique upper hand in the jobs market. 


 “A survey from Indeed found 58%
of Gen Zers would like to own a
business one day” 


But, while we are witnessing a generation take full advantage of their native skills simultaneously, a skills gap is continuing, particularly in the IT sector.


When CIO Crowd asked its audience what they felt was the main factor contributing to the skills gap inside their organisations a huge eighty six percent of respondents said there root of the problem was too few job candidates with the right skills.

The CIO group concluded it is up to business to find ways of attracting, training and developing young talent before a competitor does. And it is an increasingly competitive landscape. Businesses can also expect to not only be competing with local and national employers but the Zoomer themselves.

A survey from Indeed found that 58% of Gen Zers would like to own a business one day, and 14% already do.

Some in this generation of job seekers are comfortable with the concept that their current skill set and demands are not suited to the traditional market and are seeking other avenues.

To get Gen Z on board and to retain their skills means thinking and acting on the challenges and priorities they themselves have set.